UC Blue Ash College

Applied Media Communications


Why study Applied Media Communications?

Beginning with their first semester, students in Applied Media Communications are immersed in an active learning environment. Hands-on courses in audio, interactive and media design, photography, video, and web development engage students in industry-standard software and equipment to make professional-level work in each discipline. Courses in aesthetics, media history, and professional practice teach students how to apply their technical skills to visual problem-solving, preparing them for successful careers in our ever-changing media environment.

In addition to the core curriculum, which is delivered through small-sized classes, students take advanced courses to deepen expertise in one of these fields or to extend their knowledge into other disciplines and new technologies.

Our aim is to provide creative individuals with opportunities to learn, hone, and evolve the technical processes of digital media production. Our graduates enter a highly-competitive job market having already gained practical production experience through the completion of individual and group studio projects; campus media productions; professional internships; graduation capstones; and work for real-world clients.

All students entering the following Media Communications and Technology programs – Associate of Applied Science Degree in Applied Media Communication, Professional Certificate in Applied Media Communication and Media Criticism and Journalism One-Year Certificate

Where It Will Take You

Our most successful students are intrigued by technology, have a DIY attitude, enjoy experimenting with gear and software, and are effective problem-solvers. They are comfortable working in teams to develop projects and tell stories. Our outstanding students combine creativity and visual design, while using organizational and planning skills to meet deadlines.

Admission Requirements

Open Admission

This program is designed for students with a baccalaureate degree and contains only the courses in the Applied Media Communications major with the assumption that students with a bachelor’s degree have already completed the required general educations and/or breath of knowledge coursework.

Our most successful students are intrigued by technology, have a DIY attitude, enjoy experimenting with gear and software, and are effective problem-solvers. They are comfortable working in teams to develop projects and tell stories. Our outstanding students combine creativity and visual design, while using organizational and planning skills to meet deadlines.

Career-Oriented Program

Graduates of this major pursue careers in a variety of professional settings. These include advertising, audio recording, interactive and media design, photography, television and video production, and web development. Learn about career-oriented programs.

Job titles include:

  • Audio engineer
  • Digital archivist
  • Motion graphic artist
  • Multimedia / Interactive designer
  • Photographer
  • Social media content editor
  • Television, film, and video producer
  • Video effects artist
  • Videographer, producer, and editor
  • Web designer and developer

Additional training through electives and certificate programs prepare students wishing to pursue careers in other fields

  • 3D modeling, texturing, and lighting
  • Animation
  • Media history and criticism
  • Media journalism
  • Print and publishing
  • Scriptwriting
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.

Students can locate advisor contact information for Applied Media Communications via the UCBA advising website. 

Students enrolled in Applied Media Communications courses enjoy small classes and interaction with faculty and professional staff. In some classes students will work on actual projects for clients in the community. We offer recommendations on our website for computer hardware and software resources required to complete student production activities within the curriculum. UCBA tuition is considerably lower than tuition for colleges on the UC Uptown campus, making education more affordable.

Lab and Studio Facilities

Media Communications & Technology maintains three studio/lab spaces available for student use to complete project assignments. The studio/lab facilities are scheduled for open labs and can be reserved for individual student use.  The schedule varies by term and the open hours are posted outside the labs, as well as on the department website (hyperlink).  While equipment available in the labs varies per term and courses taught, permanent resources include: an animation workstation, audio recording booth, editing booths, green screens, lighting equipment, seamless photographic backgrounds, and a studio control room.

Circulating Equipment

A wide range of specialized media production equipment is available specifically for use by program students. These resources include: professional audio equipment, such as field recorders, microphones, microphone supports, and headphones; DSLR still/video cameras and accessories; video cameras; tripods and dollies; specialized camera supports, such as Steadicam and sliders; lighting kits and reflectors; and many other items.


Media Communications & Technology also operates UCTV providing online streaming and on-demand video services.  UCTV programming is available via cable access channels throughout Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. We have a full television studio and control room where our shows are produced.

Baccalaureate Transition Agreements

Even though we are a career-oriented technical program, rather than a transfer program, many of our graduates choose to continue their education in one of the following baccalaureate programs with whom we have negotiated agreements. These include:

  • BFA in Electronic Media (UC College-Conservatory of Music)
  • BFA in Fine Arts (UC College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning)
  • BA in Film and Media Studies (UC College of Arts and Sciences)
  • BTAS in Applied Administration (UC Blue Ash College)
  • BIS in Digital Media Collaboration (UC College of Arts and Sciences)

Other Special Programs 

One-Year Certificate Programs
Students who have completed the AAS degree program may also pursue one of the One-Year Certificate programs available in our department for focused training in a specific technical skill and an enhanced set of professional credentials. These include: Animation, Interactive Web Multimedia, and Media Criticism and Journalism (hyperlinks to each). Each certificate/minor requires 27-30 credit hours.

Our One-Year Certificate programs may be used as minors for baccalaureate degrees in other disciplines at the University of Cincinnati.


Performance Package Certificate Programs. 

Media Communications & Technology offers a number of Performance Package Certificate programs to help students upgrade skills and knowledge to become more marketable professionals and more valuable employees. Each Performance Package Certificate consists of three courses that build production or critical skills in a particular discipline.

Performance Packages are available in:

  • Animation Design
  • Audio Production
  • Electronic Design
  • Film Studies
  • Interactive Design
  • Media History
  • Media Journalism
  • Photo Production
  • Video Production
  • Web Production

Students can typically complete one of these Performance Packages in a single year. Applied Media Communications’ program students can complete one or more of the Performance Package programs as they complete the required courses for the Associate of Applied Science degree, Professional Certificate, or One-Year Certificate program.

For more information contact:
Roo Hedrick, Program Coordinator & Production Manager, phone: 513-558-8300, roo.hedrick@uc.edu.

Students must earn a 2.0 grade point average in order to be eligible for graduation from the program.  A grade of C- or better must be earned in all Applied Media Communications courses that serve as prerequisite requirements, or as capstone experiences, to be eligible to graduate from the program.

Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in Media Communications & Technology

Application Deadlines

The Associate of Applied Science degree and the Professional Certificate in Applied Media Communications are designed to be completed in two years, provided students are full-time and do not need prep courses in English and Math. The One-Year Certificate programs are designed to be completed in one year, provided students are full-time and do not need prep courses in English. To successfully complete these academic programs in two years (AAS and Professional Certificate) or one year (Animation, Interactive Web Multimedia, and Media Criticism & Journalism), students must begin in the fall semester. Beginning in any other term than Fall semester may require additional semesters to complete the program and may also affect financial aid.

The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Contact Information

Roo Hedrick
9555 Plainfield Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
(513) 558-8300

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Program Code: 28CRT-AMEC-PB