Student Tips for Success
We make it possible. You make it happen.
- Graduate. Focus on your end goal; your journey starts today!
- Read. Review each syllabus, check UC email and check Blackboard every day.
- Attend your classes. It's vital. You miss a lot when you miss class.
- Deadlines matter. Know them prepare for them and always meet them.
- Use your resources early and often. Free tutoring services, One Stop, Academic Advising and Student Life.
- Always be on time. It's a great habit to develop for school and your career.
- Talk to your professors. Ask questions, absorb their knowledge and build relationships.
- Identify your strengths and passions. Select your major and career based on them.
- Own your education. Make learning your top priority and be accountable. Be prepared and participate.
- Now is your time. Determine your future. Pursue your dreams actively.
Contact Information
Student Life Office
Muntz Hall | Room 123
Phone: 513-558-9429