UC Blue Ash College

Academic Majors & Programs

UC Blue Ash College offers more than 60 programs and degrees to help you spread your wings and choose from more options as you begin your academic journey. Our growth isn't limited to just the classroom: our study abroad and service learning programs offer more access to hands-on learning and life-changing experiences.

All Majors

UC Blue Ash College offers a wide variety of majors, some of which are designed to continue on to a four degree. Others prepare you to work immediately. Check out this chart of all our majors and where they will lead you.

Popular Programs

Not sure which program you'd like to pursue? Get an in-depth look at our most popular academic programs through our video overviews, with explanations directly from our faculty on how each field might impact you.

Program Interest Categories

We have organized our programs in this section based on similar interests, to help guide you to a program that fits you.

Arts & Sciences

Arts and sciences includes a wide range of programs and degrees that prepare you for your career, or the next step in your academic journey. From graphic design to electronic media to biology, we offer the educational opportunities that will open your mind and inspire your true potential.

Business, Leadership & Administration

Our Business/Economics Department offers programs that provide you with the education and skills employers want. Our students are well-prepared to tranisition to the Lindner College of Business at UC or similar programs at other colleges and universities. Many of our faculty members continue to be active in the busienss world.


Our Education programs are a great way to prepare for a transition to the college of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH) at the UC Clifton campus, while paying almost half the tuition.

Exploratory Studies

College is a time for self-discovery and exploration. Truly undecided students should take the opportunity to explore their strengths, academic interest, and talents before committing to a major.

Health Care

UC Blue Ash College offers a large variety of Health Care programs. Our extremely popular nursing program continues to shine, as well as dentistry, radiation and radiologic technology, and veterinary medicine.

Social Sciences

Our associate degree programs like Psychology align well with programs at UC's College of Arts and Sciences at the UC Clifton campus, so you'll be able to easily transition when the time arrives.


From visual technology majors like animation and applie media to information technology and broadcast media, UC Blue Ash College has programs fit for technology needs of the future.


These short, focused learning experiences provide in-demand skills, know-how, and experience, often in preparation for a credentialing exam.


Contact Information

Admissions Office
Muntz Hall | Room 150
Phone: 513-558-9998
Email: admissions@ucblueash.edu