UC Blue Ash College

Apply for Program Changes

Are you interested in readmission to UC Blue Ash College? Or perhaps you need to request a program change, drop a major or otherwise adjust your academic future? Use the link below to find all the University of Cincinnati forms you'll need to apply for each change.

Readmission for Former CPAS Students

The College Program for Academic Success (CPAS) is currently paused and requirements for readmission have changed. A one-year waiting period before readmission is no longer required. In addition, a re-entry petition is no longer required.

Former CPAS students who would like to be readmitted to the college should contact the UC Blue Ash College Academic Advising Office for assistance by calling 513-558-9442 or emailing advising@ucblueash.edu.

An academic advisor will help you determine the steps you need to take for readmission and will assist you in selecting classes to support your success.


Contact Information

Advising & Academic Services Center
Muntz Hall Room 155

Office Hours:
Monday- Friday
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.