UC Blue Ash College

Foreign Language Placement Test

How to Take the Foreign Language Placement Test

  • If you have previous experience with French, German or Spanish, you could earn advanced standing FREE credit (retroactively) in the language, up to a maximum of 10 credit hours, upon successful completion (C- or higher) of the course you test into. Please read the instructions below and then click on the French, German, Spanish placement test.
    • Use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers to take the test
    • The best device to use is a laptop or computer
    • Create an account, using your UC username (6 + 2) and password
      • It will ask for your student ID, which is your UC M#
    • After you create an account, log in and take the test right away· 
    • For permission to take the course you have tested into, contact the UCBA Department of Language and Culture Studies Language Placement Coordinator and Advisor Dr. Woods at woodsai@ucmail.uc.edu.
  • If you have previous experience with American Sign Language (ASL), please contact Professor Miller at mille4rd@ucmail.uc.edu to schedule a time to complete a placement interview.
  • Academic integrity is essential to maintaining an environment that fosters excellence in teaching, research, and other educational and scholarly activities, so when you take the test or participate in the interview, please make sure it is your own work.
  • UC Blue Ash students with placement needs in other languages or with questions or concerns about their placement results, should contact the UCBA Department of Language and Culture Studies Language Placement Coordinator and Advisor Dr. Woods at woodsai@ucmail.uc.edu.

Why Take a Foreign Language Placement Test?

The goal of the placement test is to determine which language course best fits students´ previous language experiences. The test does not have any impact on a student’s admission to UCBA. Students cannot fail a language placement test.

It is advantageous for students who have had previous language experience to place into the appropriate course. Students will save time and money by taking courses that best align with their previous language experiences and help them move more quickly through their program requirements. If they are placed into 1002/1012 or higher, UCBA students can earn advanced standing FREE credit (retroactively) in the language, up to a maximum of 10 credit hours, upon successful completion (C- or higher) of the course they test into.

Credits Guide
If placed in and after successfully completing the course (C- or higher) … The student will receive credits for …
1002 5 credits - 1001
1012 3 credits - 1011
1013 6 credits – 1011 and 1012
1014 9 credits – 1011, 1012, and 1013
2015 10 credits – 1001 and 1002
2016 9 credits – 2015, 1014, 1013

Who Should Take a Foreign Language Placement Test?

All heritage speakers (someone who has had exposure to the language at home or in their community from a young age), students who have had two or more years of a high school foreign language, as well as students who have prior knowledge of a foreign language and who wish to continue studying the same language, should take the foreign language placement test prior to registering for a language class. Native speakers (someone who completed schooling through ninth grade or its equivalent in a country other than the US and the primary language of instruction was not English) should also take the placement test in their native language, if they are interested in continuing to study their language formally. Otherwise, native speakers are encouraged to explore other language or culture course offerings.

Where to Take the Foreign Language Placement Test?

We offer our language placement tests both in person in the Language and Culture Resource Center (from August 1 through May 1) and remotely (all year).

When to Take the Foreign Language Placement Test?

Enrolling in the appropriate course from the beginning is beneficial for students. If they realize they are in an inappropriate course after the semester has begun, students will have to drop it, find the appropriate course, and hope to get into that new course before the add/drop period expires, so it is best for them to take the placement test prior to enrolling in a course.

The last day to take placement test for each full semester is the Thursday of the first week when the semester begins. Please note, if you enroll in a language course after it has begun, you will have missed most or all the instruction for the first week of class, which may put you at a disadvantage for understanding the expectations for how the class is run. You are responsible for anything you have missed and should contact the instructor as soon as you enroll. Students interested in half semester courses should take the placement test prior to the first day of the half session.


Contact Information

Muntz Hall | Room 337
Phone: 513-558-9469
Fax: 513-745-5771
Email: kooh@ucmail.uc.edu