UC Blue Ash College

Blue Ash Bearcat Student Food Pantry

Bearcat pantry shelves full of food

Our Mission: To provide students with three days of emergency food relief.

The food pantry is for all UC students. No requirements, no questions asked.

Location and Hours

UC Blue Ash Bearcat Pantry sign at entrance
  • Muntz 118A (Located across from the UCBA Library near the Auditorium)
  • The pantry is open:
  • No appointment needed

Please email ucbafoodpantry@ucmail.uc.edu if you need additonal information.



Interested in Making a Contribution?

We need the help of all of our staff and faculty members to make this work. Our sustainability model relies on UCBA community support. In the current virtual environment, monetary donations are preferred.

Donate Funds Online

Donate Funds In-Person

  • Drop off a check to Andrew Baker in the Dean’s offce – Muntz 140 (Checks payable to: The UCBA Food Pantry)

Donate Food


The Blue Ash Bearcat Pantry is made possible in-part from generous donations from AuguStar Life, the UC Blue Ash Office of Inclusive Excellence, and UCBA faculty and staff. Additional support enhances our offerings through partnerships with Last Mile Food Rescue Cincinnati and the Freestore Foodbank.

UCBA Office of Inclusive Excellence
Last Mile food rescue
Freestore Foodbank logo