UC Blue Ash College

Step Four: Register for Orientation

The Mission of Student Orientation

Our top priority is to support you in a successful academic and social transition to the UC Blue Ash community. The purpose of our orientation is to introduce new students and their families to the quality academics, resources and community fostered at UC Blue Ash College. Orientation is the catalyst to support your transition to our institution by preparing you for the academic rigor, personal responsibilities, and intellectual, cultural and social climate of our campus.

What Is New Student Orientation?

UC Blue Ash will offer several orientation programs between April and May for summer semester and between May and August for the fall semester. All first-year students are required to attend one of these 4-hour orientation programs. During orientation, we will introduce new students and their families to faculty, staff and current students. You will learn about the "business of being a student," how to be successful in and out of the classroom, and will work with the advising staff to register for your first semester of college classes.

How Do I Register?

You will receive a personal link to register for orientation via email (used to apply to UC Blue Ash College.) After April 1, you will have access to register for orientation via your email or by calling the Student life Office.

Call the Division of Student Life Office at 513-558-9429 if have questions about orientation.

Placement Tests & Orientation

Placement tests - or qualifying ACT/SAT exemptions - must be submitted at least two weeks prior to your scheduled orientation date. Be sure to check the placement test deadline associated with your orientation date below. If you do not complete placement test requirements by this deadline, your orientation reservation will be cancelled and you must reschedule for a later orientation date.

If you do not complete placement tests by the deadline, you will not be eligible to begin classes in the corresponding semester. Please review all deadlines and be aware of your semester start date.

Spanish Language Parent Orientation

UC Blue Ash offers a program in Spanish for parents of first-year students. Spanish-speaking parents can attend this one-hour session to learn about the higher education experience and how to help their son or daughter achieve academic success. Parents will be introduced to various campus resources and services that will help support students' social, cultural and academic transition. Students should register for their preferred orientation date, then contact Admissions at 513-558-9998 to schedule the Spanish parent session for that date.

UC Blue Ash ofrece un programa en español para padres de estudiantes de primer año. Los padres pueden asistir a esta sesión de una hora para conocer la experiencia de la educación superior y cómo ayudar a su hijo o hija lograr el éxito académico. Los padres se introducirán a los varios recursos del campus y servicios que ayudarán la transición social, cultural y académico de los estudiantes.


Contact Information

Admissions Office
Phone: 513-558-9998
Email: admissions@uc.edu