Wildflower Garden
The UCBA wildflower garden was established in 2022 to provide food and nest resources for insect pollinators, to increase local biodiversity, to enhance natural pollination, and to create structural habitat for non-insect wildlife. The wildflower garden is located on the northeast portion of campus (behind the recycling dumpsters) and currently spans approximately 450 m2 (5000 ft2).
The more than 30 wildflower and grass species seeded in the garden are all native to Ohio and were selected in consultation with the Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative. Different species bloom at different times throughout the growing season, with early-flowering species blooming in mid-April and late-flowering species blooming in mid-September.

Everyone is welcome to visit and enjoy the UCBA wildflower garden. Please stay along the garden perimeter or on the center path. Please do not collect flowers or disturb the pollinators. Pollinator insects are normally not aggressive unless provoked.
The UCBA wildflower garden is maintained by the Biology Department.
- Grasses
- Autumn bentgrass
- Switchgrass
- Little bluestem
- Tall dropseed
- Prairie dropseed
- Wildflowers
- Tall ironweed
- Tridens purple top
- Partridge pea
- Illinois bundleflower
- Alfalfa
- Alsike clover
- Crimson clover
- Ladino clover
- White (Dutch) clover
- Yarrow
- Swamp milkweed
- Common milkweed
- Lanceleaf coreopsis
- Plains coreopsis
- Purple coneflower
- False sunflower
- Great blue obelia
- Wild bergamot
- Common evening primrose
- Stiff goldenrod
- Beardtongue foxglove
- Narrowleaf mountain mint
- Common mountain mint
- Prairie coneflower
- Grayheaded coneflower
- Black-eyed susan
- Brown-eyed susan
- Cup plant
- Gray goldenrod
- Heath aster
- Smooth blue aster
- Calico aster
- New England aster
- Sky blue aster
- Hoary vervain
- Yellow wingstem
- Culver's root
Contact Information
College Information
Phone: 513-558-9495
Email: questions@ucblueash.edu