UC Blue Ash College

Department of Language and Culture Studies

Foreign Language department faculty and staff

Learning a foreign language helps students explore the world and better understand diverse viewpoints. UC Blue Ash College professors in the Department of Language and Culture Studies have expert training in their fields of study and experience traveling to countries that represent the languages they teach. 

Language, culture, study abroad programs and service learning courses taken in the Department of Language and Culture Studies meet general education requirements of Diversity and Culture and Humanities, Literature or Historical Perspectives. Courses in the American Sign Language Certificate meet general education requirements for the areas of Diversity and Culture and Social Sciences.

Academic Programs

Professional Certificates

Language and Culture Resource Center

The Language and Culture Resource Center is ready to help you succeed. Work on your foreign language homework, brush up on your skills, or get personal tutoring in the resource center in 337 and 338 Muntz Hall.

Foreign Language Placement

All students who wish to take a lnaguage course at UC Blue Ash must take a language placement test. Please contact placement coordinator, Professor Angie Woods, at angie.woods@uc.edu

Foreign Language Requirement

If a student has a foreign language requirement in his/her program, it may be satisfied with one or two options. Note that some programs have different requirements than those listed below. Be sure to check your program.

To satisfy the foreign language requirement, a student must complete the final course in the sequence satisfactorily. If a student "tests out" of any portion of a sequence, only the remaining courses in the sequence must be completed satisfactorily to meet the foreign language requirement.

2024 Summer Semester Courses

Language Courses

  • First Half Summer Semester (5/6/2024 - 6/18/2024, 100% online)
    • ASL 1001 - Beginning American Sign Language 1 | SCE (DC) | Foreign Language, with synchronous class meetings
    • FREN 1011 - Extended Basic French 1 | SCE (DC) | HU | Foreign Language, asynchronous, no class meetings
    • SPAN 1013 - Extended Basic Spanish 3 | SCE (DC) | HU | Foreign Language, with asynchronous, no class meetings
  • Second Half Summer Semester (6/20/2024 - 8/3/2024)
    • SPAN 1012 - Extended Basic Spanish 2 | SCE (DC) | HU | Foreign Language, with synchronous class meetings
    • SPAN 1014 - Extended Basic Spanish 4 | SCE (DC) | HU | Foreign Language, asynchronous, no class meetings
  • Full Summer Semester (5/6/2024 - 08/3/2024)
    • FREN 1001 - Basic French 1 SCE (DC) | HU| Foreign Language, asynchronous, no class meetings
    • FREN 1002 - Basic French 2 SCE (DC) | HU| Foreign Language, asynchronous, no class meetings
    • SPAN 1001 - Basic Spanish 1 SCE (DC) | HU| Foreign Language, asynchronous, no class meetings

(BoK): SCE Society, Culture, and Ethics (pre-2019 DC Diversity & Culture or SE Society & Ethics) | HU Humanities | HP Historical Perspectives Attribute: Foreign Language

Culture Courses

First Half Summer Semester (5/6/2024 - 6/18/2024, 100% online asynchronous)

  • ASL 1003 - Orientation to Deafness DC | DEI | SE
    • Taught in English, no prerequisites. This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the field of deafness, the Deaf Community, and Deaf Culture. The course emphasizes the Deaf community as a linguistic and American cultural minority, and the importance of language, values, traditions, and diversity in this group.
  • FREN 1082- Francophone World Cultures DC | HU | SCE
    • Taught in English, no prerequisites. The course explores the Francophone world as a political and cultural influence, and as an historical force, using historical and contemporary texts and media.
  • SPAN 1081- Spain World Cultures DC | HU | SCE
    • Taught in English, no prerequisites. World Cultures: Spain introduces students to the cultures of Spain and everyday customs including traditions, celebrations, family, religion, food, music, the arts. The course of Spanish history will be examined to discover the interrelations of history, everyday customs, tradition, and regional cultures and how they shaped present-day Spain.

2024 Fall Semester Courses

Language Courses

Previous language experience? Take the placement exam. You could get credit for prior courses! Courses are offered: online synchronous and asynchronous, hybrid, and on campus. All our language courses meet various UCBA programs’ Foreign Language requirements. All our language courses are required for language majors, minors and certificates. Search for “Blue Ash” as the Offering College!

  • ASL 1001 Beginning ASL I, 3cr., SCE
  • ASL 1002 Beginning ASL II, 3cr., SCE
  • ASL 2001 Intermediate ASL I, 3cr., SCE
  • FREN 1001 Basic French I, 5cr., HU|SCE
  • FREN 1002 Basic French II, 5cr., HU|SCE
  • FREN 1011 Extended Basic French 1, 3cr., HU|SCE FREN 1012 Extended Basic French 2, 3cr., HU|SCE
  • FREN 1013 Extended Basic French 3, 3cr., HU|SCE FREN 2015 Composition & Conversation 1, 3cr., HU|SCE
  • GRMN 1001 Basic German I, 5cr., HU|SCE GRMN 1012 Extended Basic German 2, 5cr., HU|SCE
  • SPAN 1001 Basic Spanish I, 5cr., HU|SCE
  • SPAN 1002 Basic Spanish II, 5cr., HU|SCE
  • SPAN 1011 Extended Basic Spanish 1, 3cr., HU|SCE
  • SPAN 1012 Extended Basic Spanish 2, 3cr., HU|SCE
  • SPAN 1013 Extended Basic Spanish 3, 3cr., HU|SCE
  • SPAN 1014 Extended Basic Spanish 4, 3cr., HU|SCE SPAN 2015 Composition & Conversation 1, 3cr., HU|SCE

Culture Courses

  • FREN 1081 France World Cultures HU|SCE, 3 cr.
    • Taught in English, no prerequisites. This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the field of deafness, the Deaf Community, and Deaf Culture. The course emphasizes the Deaf community as a linguistic and American cultural minority, and the importance of language, values, traditions, and diversity in this group.
  • SPAN 1081 Spain World Cultures HU|SCE, 3 cr.
    • World Cultures: Spain introduces students to the cultures of Spain and everyday customs including traditions, celebrations, family, religion, food, music, the arts. The course of Spanish history will be examined to discover the interrelations of history, everyday customs, tradition and regional cultures and how they shaped present-day Spain.

No previous language experience and pre-requisite is needed. Taught in English, online and asynchronous.

Department News

Welcome to the Academy

Professor Teresa Roig-Torres was inducted into UC's Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning. There is a thorough interview process and several criteria that are required to be named a Fellow. A few key points are that you must show significant and extended contributions to excellence in scholarly teaching and student learning. Teresa will be recognized at the All-University Faculty Awards Celebration on April 17 at 3:00 pm in the Great Hall at Tangeman University Center.

Professor Angie Woods wins the UC Blue Ash 2017 Outstanding Faculty Service Award

Dr. Angie Woods has developed quite a reputation for providing extraordinary service to our college, the university and her community. She launched service learning courses in the Foreign Language Department and coordinates a service learning project where students in the intermediate Spanish language courses tutor students in beginning Spanish classes. She serves as director of our Spanish Study Abroad Program and routinely incorporates community service into the program, including a project where students engaged with children in an orphanage in Costa Rica. In the community, Dr. Woods has volunteered for years at the Valley Interfaith Food and Clothing Center, which serves Spanish-speaking immigrants. She also assists other organizations, including the Hamilton County Park District and Cincinnati Public Schools, with translation for print materials and in communicating verbally with Spanish-speaking families.

Largest Gift in UC Blue Ash History from the Estate of Retired French Professor Judy Baughin

As UC Blue Ash's first French professor, Judy Baughin was the founding member of the French discipline at RWC/UCBA, developing and teaching all levels of French language and culture courses. She helped create the Department of Language and Culture Studies and served as its chair for an astounding 32 years (with a couple of breaks for leaves). She retired in 2008 as professor emerita. Judy and her late husband, Bill Baughin, were much-loved at UCBA Their commitment to the college and to our students will continue for many years. Please read more about their generosity and their heartwarming story of dedication to their students and our college over at UC Foundation.

Online Relief for Puerto Rico

UC Blue Ash Professor of Spanish, Maria Ortiz, is helping lead an outreach initiative to assist students in Puerto Rico affected by last fall’s Hurricane Maria.

In November and December 2017, Ortiz and associate provost for faculty development and special initiatives, Keisha Love, led an effort to round up a network of Spanish-speaking professors to offer online classes to students in Puerto Rico as the island recovers from the devastation of the hurricanes.

“We were so lucky to have the support from UC’s Office of the Provost. The University of Cincinnati is setting a precedence in education, and I am so proud we can bring light into the challenging times,” said Ortiz. “Puerto Rico is my home, and the fact that we can do so much through education has been my biggest motivator. I know this is key to getting the community there back on track.”

Outstanding Service While Abroad

Kudos to UC Blue Ash Spanish professors, Angie Woods and Teresa Roig-Torres, for each being honored with the "Outstanding Service Award for Heroic Efforts on Study Abroad" by UC Interim Provost, Peter Landgren. The award was presented recently at the monthly faculty meeting and is in recognition of the extraordinary work the professors did in leading our study abroad program in Peru over the summer. The program featured great opportunities for students to immerse themselves in the Spanish language and Peruvian culture, but there were also some challenging moments that were handled expertly by Angie and Teresa.


Contact Information

UCBA Academic Support