Medical Assisting
Why study Medical Assisting?
The Medical Assisting Technical Certificate program is unique to the University of Cincinnati. In just two semesters, the Medical Assisting Technical Certificate program allows the student an opportunity to complete a technical certificate program while earning college credit in a profession that is in high demand.
Completing the Medical Assisting Technical Certificate Program through the University of Cincinnati provides the graduate a quality education that is affordable and versatile.
The Medical Assisting Technical Certificate program is designed to prepare medical assistants who are completent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession.
Students are prepared for a career as a health professional in a physician's office, clinic, or urgent care (ambulatory) setting. To meet the program objectives, the curriculum provides a rigorous foundation in clinical, patient care, and office administration courses. Clinical and patient care courses include introduction to anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, clinical techniques, laboratory procedures, and physician assisting procedures for various types of ambulatory medical settings. Administrative courses include study in medical office procedures, computers, and oral and written communication.
Successful certificate program graduates are eligible and recommended to take a highly regarded, nationally recognized credentialing exam CMA (AAMA). The CMA (AAMA) is the gold standard of the profession.
The faculty have many years of experience in the medical field and in the educational process. The program curriculum is up to date on the educational needs of the medical assistant and reflects current industry standards.
Admission Requirements
This program is open to all students with a high school diploma or GED and the desire to succeed in college. Although admission is open, students accepted into the program must meet the following requirements.
- Confirmed admission to the University of Cincinnati
- Place into STAT1031 (or completion of MATH0029 with minimum grade of C)
- Place into ENGL1001 (or completion of ENGL0099 with minimum grade of C)
Students interested in the Medical Assisting Technical Certificate program should meet with their advisor to determine eligibility.
Students who are requesting accommodations are encouraged to register with Accessibility Resources to determine appropriate accommodations. You may contact the UC Blue Ash College Accessibility Resources office by calling 513-558-9414; Fax 513-792-8624, or by emailing
The Medical Assisting Technical Certificate program curriculum stresses professionalism, dependability, flexibility, medical ethics, communication, and human relations skills.
Successful students will be those who communicate effectively, openly accept critical feedback, apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills and demonstrate a genuine concern for patients.
Upon completion of the Medical Assisting Technical Certificate program, the student will have completed the following program outcomes:
- Demonstrate clinical and administrative (psychomotor, cognitive, and affective) proficiency as outlined in the current Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB) Standards and Guidelines provided by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the MAERB.
- Communicate appropriately and in a professional manner with patients, providers, staff, and other members of the healthcare team and community.
- Protect the health of the patient and coworkers by carefully following Standard Precaution Guidelines and OSHA mandates and adhere to HIPAA Regulations.
- Participate in patient care within their medical assistant scope of training.
- Successfully meet the eligibility criteria to apply for the national certification process through the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA).
Graduates will have completed 160 hours of hands-on clinical practice in a medical setting under the direct supervision of a physician and are qualified to assist physicians in a private office, clinic or other health care facility. Medical assistants are trained in both administrative and clinical functions to provide invaluable skills to the physician's office.
"The growth of the aging baby-boom population will continue to increase demand for preventive medical services, which are often provided by physicians. As a result, physicians will hire more assistants to perform routine administrative and clinical duties, allowing the physicians to see more patients."
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.For academic advising, students in the Medical Assisting Technical Certificate program should contact the Program Director, Tera Archbold at
Students of the Medical Assisting Tehcnical Certificate program at UC Blue Ash College are encouraged to be active in the American Association of Medical Assistants, the Ohio State Society of Medical Assistants and the two local chapters: the Ohio Regional Chapter and the Southwest Ohio Chapter. Students who have participated in these organizations have held state and local offices and taken an active part in the promotion of their profession by attending the annual state conference. Learn more about the advantages of the American Association of Medical Assistants and the profession at their website.
Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 in order to graduate. Students must also complete all program courses with a final grade of C or above, fulfill the 160-hour practicum experience, and pass 100% of the Psychomotor and Affective Educational Competencies for Medical Assistants as required for CAAHEP Accredited Medical Assisting Programs based on the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB) current standards.
Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in Allied Health Department
The University of Cincinnati Blue Ash Medical Assisting Technical Certificate program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) upon the recommendation of the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB).
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
9355 113th Street North #7709
Seminole, Florida, 33775
Phone: 727-210-2350
Contact Information
9555 Plainfield Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
(513) 558-7928
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Program Code: 28CRT-MA-C2