UC Blue Ash College

Online Payment Services

The Business Office provides support to faculty, staff, and students for a variety of financial and budgetary transactions. The business office currently offers the following online payment services for various functions.

Bearcat Card / ID Replacement

Need to replace your Bearcat Card / ID? There is a fee for processing a new card that you will need to pay in order to get your replacement. Follow the instructions in this section to get your new card.

Parking Violation Payments

Need to pay a ticket or violation from the UC Blue Ash College parking lots received prior to 7/1/20? Use these tools to make your payment online.

For any parking citations after 7/1/20, please use the link to UC Parking Services below.

UC Blue Ash College Library Fines

Owe book fines or other fees to the UC Blue Ash library? Use these instructions to pay your fines.


Contact Information

Muntz Hall - Room 140
Phone: 513-558-9416
Fax: 513-936-7170
Hours: 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday
Email: babusoff@ucmail.uc.edu