UC Blue Ash College

Institutional Research Dashboards

UCBA dashboards show public data about students, employees, and financials. They should help answer frequently asked questions about UC Blue Ash College. The dashboards were created using Tableau and are hosted on Tableau Public.  

Enrollment Trends

Explore census day enrollment, credit hours, and FTE (full-time equivalent) trends by full-time/part-time status and gender.

Persistence & Retention

See fall cohort persistence and retention trends, as well as retention by Ohio college sectors, such as regional colleges and 4-year colleges.

Financials Data

Explore UCBA core revenues and core expenses submitted to IPEDS (Integrated PostSecondary Education Data System).

Graduation Rates

These dashboards show graduation rates as well as 3-year success measures, which includes earning a degree and enrollment at the same or another Ohio institution.


These charts and tables show information on UC Blue Ash admissions, enrollment, and faculty/staff.


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