UC Blue Ash College

The Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching

AFTL Journal's objective is to publish articles focused on promoting student learning. Articles should address themes around promoting effective practices in teaching and learning. The Journal reflects the breadth of the work in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

What is in the Journal?

We accept articles in the following categories.

  1. Empirical Studies: formal research projects using appropriate empirical methods for examining a particular research question. Acceptable articles establish a research rigor that leads to a significant new understanding of pedagogy.
  2. Literature Reviews: reviews should illuminate new relationships and understanding of the area under review. Literature reviews include meta-analysis, analytical, and integrated reviews.
  3. Case Studies: case studies should focus on an intense analysis of a specific teaching situation or problem that led to a solution. Case studies should have the following components: description of the teaching situation or problem, discussion of solutions attempted, explanation of quantitative or qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the solution, and reflection on the implications for student learning.
  4. Personal Reflections on Teaching Practice: personal reflections are an account of how an instructor has promoted a change in their teaching. The style of these narratives of inclusive teaching is the “personal essay.” It is distinct from the formal academic essay in that it is frank with the reader that the essay is not neutral, objective, or speaking for a group. Personal reflections should have the following components: explanation of the teaching strategy used previously, description of how teaching the course changed, and explanation of what worked well and why this change can become a regular part of your teaching practice or why the attempt did not work, and what might change moving forward.

Contact Information

Ruth Benander