Gaps-n-Overlaps - Art Exhibition
Image adapted from "Object" a piece by David Hartz and Ted Ferdinand
Exhibit Dates
March 27, 2015 - May 1, 2015
Exhibit Overview
Gaps and Overlaps presents a collection of creative works produced collaboratively by faculty from five different disciplines - Art, English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, and Music. Working in small groups, faculty members brought to their project various gaps in knowledge about disciplines not their own, as well as the shared purpose of creating something new. The process of creation varied: some projects required careful planning while others emphasized spontaneous compositions; some projects generated new texts and images while others applied previously created ones; some applied cutting-edge technology while others used scissors and glue. Brains were taxed and genres crossed. The result is an array of works using a broad range of forms or combinations of forms: sculpture, installation, written and musical compositions, audio, video, performance, photography, and other works on paper. These works invite the viewer, as their construction invited the artists, to experience the synergy of artistic collaboration across creative disciplines.
This exhibition is the product of the UCBA Creative Arts Faculty Learning Community (CAFLC), a group devoted to collaborative arts generation and its potential relationship to teaching. CAFLC members include Jamie Albert, Jody Ballah, Pete Bender, Matt Bennett, Ted Ferdinand, David Freeman, David Hartz, Rita Kumar, Robert Murdock, Kevin Oberlin, Rhonda Pettit, Mike Roos, H. Michael Sanders, Claudia Skutar, and Sue Sipple. Each member has an established record of scholarly and/or creative publications, presentations, performances, productions, or exhibits in their respective areas.
Exhibit Panel Discussions
Faculty artists involved in the Gaps and Overlaps exhibition at UCBA Art Gallery will be sitting far apart (gaps) and talking over one another (overlaps) during a series of Panel Discussions on Wednesdays from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. These panels will explore the work on display, the collaborations leading to the finished projects, and what it all might possibly mean. In the process the artists may utter poems, break out into song, or recite written texts. It really can't be guessed what they might do. You’ll have to show up to find out.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Panel Theme: …Blynken…
- Jamie Albert
- Rita Kumar
- Robert Murdock
- Kevin Oberlin
- Sue Sipple
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Panel Theme: … and Nod
- David Hartz
- Rhonda Pettit
- H. Michael Sanders
- Claudia Skutar
Contact Information
Phone: 513-936-1712