Preparing for Mediated Minds
This page provides some addition information that will help you put together a great presentation and give you some guidance toward what is expected.
Presentation Details
Below are the types of presentations expected at Mediated Minds. Please review what format your project will be presented in.
Primary Types of Presentations
- Individual Oral Presentation - This is the most traditional conference presentation. You should plan to deliver a prepared presentation using note cards. Plan to use visual aid (like PowerPoint slides) to accompany your presentation. Text-heavy slides are not preferred, but instead try for visual interest and just enough text to help the audience follow along with your presentation.
- Poster Presentation - A poster session is the presentation of research information by a number of individuals at the same time. Posters are good for presentations with lots of data or images. Posters are not good if you might struggle to find a visual representation of your research work, concepts, or theories. A trifold poster is preferred/strongly encouraged since there is no space or resources for the hanging of posters. Posters will be placed on tables. You will need to provide your own poster. 36" by 48" tri-fold display boards are preferred.
Additional Types of Presentations
- Panel discussion - Panel discussions involves a group of students gathered to discuss a set topic led by moderator who guides the discussion and engages the audience into the discussion by eliciting questions. You should prepare short elevator speeches/topical briefs that give an overview of your research prior to starting the discussion as well as discussion starters, such as probing questions.
- Digital poster/multimedia project - A multimedia project is any media research project that use several types of media, such as sound and full-motion video in computer applications. You will need to provide your own laptop to display the digital poster. Laptops are available to checkout from the library.
- Paper or essay reading - This is the common type of conference presentation that involves simply reading from prepared notes or the finished research paper or essay.
- Short story or poetry readings - A presentation that involves reading from a prepared manuscript, possibly accompanied by an artist’s statement explaining the impetus or development of the project. A poetry reading typically involves a selection of a few related poems.
- Visual Creative Work - Visual creative work such as paintings, photography, or video can be displayed during the poster presentation. The creator should prepare a small display with notes about the title of the work, media used to create it, and any other relevant details.
- Other creative or scholarly work
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