Becoming a Nurse Preceptor
Do you want to be a part of the future of nursing? The clinical role of a student is highly impacted by current nurses. The experience students gain clinically with preceptors is imperative to prepare them for future nursing practice. Whether you are already involved in a preceptor role, or you are a staff nurse interacting with students taking care of your patient, you can have a major impact on the clinical experience and education of the student. Preceptorship allows the student to interact with patients and collaborate with their healthcare team. It exposes them to real-life clinical experiences and connects what they are learning in the classroom. It is a crucial role that helps guide their knowledge, skills and confidence with positive reinforcement allowing them to critically think and make autonomous decisions.
If you are interested in becoming a preceptor for the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College, please contact Sharon Gratsch at or 513-558-7720.
What is a Nursing Preceptor?
The OBN defines a "Preceptor" as a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse who meets the requirements of this chapter (4723-5), who provides supervision of a nursing student's clinical experience at the clinical agency in which the preceptor is employed, to no more than two students at any one time, and who implements the clinical education plan at the direction of a faculty member responsible for the course in which the student is enrolled.
Looking for preceptors in the following practice areas:
- Medical-Surgical units
- Pediatrics
- Intensive Care Units
Forms Required Before Precepting:
- Preceptor Qualification Form PDF
- Guidelines for Role Transition Experience of Nursing VI Word Doc
- FERPA Reference PDF
- FERPA Student Statement Word Doc
- Role Transition Student Progress Report Word Doc
Click here to upload your completed Preceptor Qualification Form
- There must be a contract agreement with UC Blue Ash and your organization
- Minimum qualifications for preceptors Rule 4723-5-10(A)(5), OAC, specifies that a preceptor for a RN nursing education program shall have (a) Completion of an approved registered nursing education program in a jurisdiction as defined in paragraph (R) of rule 4723-5-01 of the Administrative Code; (b) Experience in the practice of nursing as a registered nurse with demonstrated competence in the area of clinical practice in which the preceptor provides supervision to a nursing student; (c) A baccalaureate degree in nursing is preferred; and (d) Current, valid licensure as a registered nurse in the jurisdiction or foreign country where the supervision of a nursing student's clinical experience occurs.
- Qualifications for Preceptors 4723-5-10
Benefits of Becoming a Preceptor:
- Resume builder
- Being a part of the future of nursing
- Each student requires 72 hours with preceptor
- Fill out evaluation and evaluate clinical competence
- Be a positive mentor and role model to the student
- Help students set goals gain confidence in skillsets
- Provide encouraging feedback
- Review course objectives
- Responsibilities for Preceptors 4723-5-20
- When would I precept?
- Our students complete role transition in Spring each year. We would be begin contacting preceptors in January and February for hours to be completed by mid-April.
- How much hands-on patient care can the student do?
- Refer to the course objectives.
- How long do I have to be a nurse?
- There is not a specific length of time required, but need to have expertise in the area you are precepting. Preferably you have experience in the practice of nursing as a registered nurse with demonstrated competence in the area of clinical practice in which the preceptor provides supervision to a nursing student.
- Do I have to have a BSN?
- No, a BSN is preferred but not required.
- Can students precept during night shift, holidays or weekends?
- The students work the preceptors schedule so it can be any day or shift.
- How many hours of precepting is required for the student?
- UC Blue Ash ADN nursing students complete 72 hours.
Have different videos or script testimonies from preceptors and students who completed their role transition with a preceptor of their experiences.
Contact Information
Walters Hall | Room 289
Phone: 513-558-9463
Sharon Gratsch
Walters Hall 289